Bromüra G. m. b. H., Berlin, Wilhelmstr. 111., Berlin-Südende, Mittelstr. 15II
The address above is from 1907 and is maybe the incorporation address, the shop address is given in the advert below. The name Bromüra suggests a business related to photographic prints. In fact bromura means bromine in Baltic languages, and Erich
Seuberlich, partner in and Director of the firm was of Baltic origin
(see here) though this may be a bit far-fetched.
Bromüra appears in the Berliner Adressbuch 1909 as "Bromüra, Postkarten-Vertriebs-Gesellschaft m.b.H". (ie Postcard sales company).
The advert makes it clear that the firm published on its own account and also sold other photo cards - NPG, Rotophot etc.
The card here with the mouse logo is from around 1909, and presumably is a card produced by the company on its own account.
Cards with the mouse logo have „Bromüra" or „Bromüra Berlin" in these quotes printed on the address side.
Later (eg the 1930s) photographic view cards published by other companies have Bromüra printed on the address side,
for example cards by Trinks & Co, Leipzig and by Reichsbund deutscher Papier- u. Schreibwarenhändler, Löwenburg.
It sometimes appers as Bromüra luxe, or Bromüra braun (on sepia cards). These cards have the words in a rectange rather than in quotes. It seems that Bromüra became a trademark related to photographic production.